Senin, 04 Mei 2020

Pelajari SKB - Bidang Pertanian

Seleksi Kompetensi Bidang - SKB Bidang Pertanian

1. Kelompok bakter yang bisa memanfaatkan sumber karbon & sumber

tenaga menurut bahan organic diklaim

A. Bakteri aerobik

B. Bakteri anaerobik

C. Bakteri fotosintetik

D. Bakteri endofitik

E. Bakteri heterotrofik

Jawaban: c

dua. Ilmu yg memeriksa distribusi dan konvoi air dianggap

A. Hidrolik

B. Hidrologi

C. Airologi

D. Hidroponik

E. Hidrosains

Jawaban: b

tiga. Konversi sisa organik melalui aktifitas biologis, sintesa mikrobia, dan

reaksi kimiawi menjadi humus diklaim menggunakan istilah

A. Humiditi

B. Humifikasi

C. Humifora

D. Humid

E. Biokonversi

Jawaban: b

4. Suatu pengukuran potensial erosi berdasarkan suatu insiden curah hujan diklaim


A. Indeks curah hujan

B. Indeks erosifitas

C. Indeks hujan

D. Level kelongsoran

E. Level longsor

Jawaban: b

5. Keseimbangan hara adalah

A. Hara menggunakan unsur Nitrogen banyak

B. Hara Kalium & nitrogen harus berimbang

C. Konsentrasi hara esensial buat pertumbuhan tumbuhan yg memungkinkan

pertumbuhan & hasil maksimum

D. Hara organik dan non organik berimbang

E. Hara organik diutamakan

Jawaban: c

6. Suatu indera buat mengukur potensial matriks air-tanah (atau tegangan) air

pada tanah in situ; suatu mangkok porus, keramik permeabel yang

dihubungkan menggunakan tabung berisi air pada suatu manometer, alat vakum,

penimbul tekanan, atau alat pengukur tekanan lainnya.

A. Tensiometer

B. Tension

C. Matrikometer

D. Porusmeter

E. Traksimeter

Jawaban: a

7. Suatu jenis penggunaan huma yg melibatkan interaksi saling

menguntungkan antara pohon dan tumbuhan pertanian & menghasilkan

beberapa kombinasi pangan, kayu bakar, mulsa, atau penggunaan lainnya.

A. Agroindustri

B. Agrologging

C. Agrobisnis

D. Agrologi

E. Agroforestri

Jawaban: e

8. Kelompok bakteri yang hanya bisa tumbuh bila terdapat oksigen, adalah

A. Bakteri aerobik

B. Bakteri anaerobik

C. Bakteri fotosintetik

D. Bakteri endofitik

E. Bakteri heterotrofik

Jawaban: a

9. Kelompok bakteri yg bisa melakukan fotosintesis, menggunakan cahaya

matahari sebagai asal tenaga & karbondioksida menjadi asal karbon,


A. Bakteri aerobik

B. Bakteri anaerobik

C. Bakteri fotosintetik

D. Bakteri endofitik

E. Bakteri heterotrofik

Jawaban: c

10. Suatu tempat dimana organisme tertentu hidup dikenal menggunakan istilah

A. Habitat

B. Komunitas

C. Kumpulan

D. Biosfer

E. Wilayah

Jawaban: a

11. Rasio antara jumlah pupuk yang ditambahkan menggunakan hasil produksi (yield)

tanaman, disebut menggunakan istilah

A. Efektifitas pupuk

B. Efisiensi pupuk

C. Utilitas pupuk

D. Keseimbangan pupuk

E. Produktifitas pupuk

Jawaban: b

12. Proses hilangnya air melalui penguapan dari permukaan tanah, bagian atas

batang dan daun tanaman disebut menggunakan istilah

A. Evakuasi

B. Evaporasi

C. Ferolisis

D. Emisi

E. Aerokuasi

Jawaban: b

13. Dibawah ini termasuk hara makro, kecuali

A. N

B. P

C. K

D. Mg

E. Mn

Jawaban: e

14. Dibawah ini merupakan hara mikro, kecuali

A. Zn

B. Mo

C. Cu

D. Ca

E. Fe

Jawaban: d

15. Perubahan warna daun akibat kekurangan hara atau keracunan disebut menggunakan

A. Deklorofilisasi

B. Dekolorisasi

C. Klorosis

D. Deklorosis

E. Revaluasi

Jawaban: c

16. Gas metan adalah gas rumah kaca yang dihasilkan melalui dekomposisi bahan organik

secara anaerobik. Rumus kimia gas metan ini adalah

A. Ch


C. CH2

D. CH3

E. CH4

Jawaban: e

17. Kemampuan suatu sistem pengelolaan lahan dalam mengurangi intensitas dan frekuensi banjir dikenal menggunakan istilah

A. Mitigasi banjir

B. Penghijauan lahan

C. Reboisasi

D. Pemuliaan huma

E. Mitigasi bencana

Jawaban: a

18. Arti menurut Potentially Utilizable Water Resource (PUWR) adalah

A. Sumber daya air yg penuh fungsi

B. Sumber daya air yg berpotensi banjir

C. Sumber daya air yang berpotensi ekonomi

D. Sumber daya air yg kurang memiliki potensi

E. Sumber daya air yang berpotensi dapat dimanfaatkan

Jawaban: e

19. Kemampuan lahan dalam menghasilkan produksi dalam satuan luas, disebut menggunakan

A. Produktifitas pertanian

B. Produktifitas lahan

C. Produktifitas sistem pertanian

D. Produktifitas tanah

E. Produktifitas panen

Jawaban: b

20. Organisme uniseluler yang tidak punya membrane inti, terdiri atas subkelompok

Eubacteria dan Archaebacteria, disebut menggunakan

A. Unikariotik

B. Multikariotik

C. Ankariotik

D. Kariotik

E. Prokariotik

Jawaban: e

21. Komponen utama berdasarkan pupuk biologi merupakan

A. Bakteri

B. Ulat

C. Mikroba tanah

D. Cacing

E. Unsure nitrogen

Jawaban: c

22. Berikut ini merupakan pupuk anorganik, kecuali

A. Pupuk NPK

B. Pupuk kandang

C. Pupuk ZA

D. Pupuk Urea

E. Pupuk KCl

Jawaban: b

23. Dalam sistem sawah lebak, tidak dijumpai sistem saluran air, lantaran

A. Sawah lebak mengandalkan naik turunnya bagian atas air rawa secara alami

B. Sawah lebak mengandalkan air hujan

C. Sawah lebak mengandalkan air bendungan

D. Sawah lebak mengandalkan aliran sungai

E. Sawah lebak mengandalkan kekayaan air tanah

Jawaban: a

24. Berikut ini adalah cara-cara pemuliaan tanaman , kecuali

A. Introduksi

B. Persilangan

C. Manipulasi Genom

D. Transfer Gen

E. Penggunaan pupuk yg tepat

Jawaban: e

25. Mendatangkan bahan tanaman dari tempat lain yang berbeda, disebut menggunakan istilah

A. Introduksi

B. Persilangan

C. Transfer gen

D. Impor gen

E. Manipulasi genom

Jawaban: a

26. Tanaman yang telah disisipi atau memiliki gen asing dari spesies tanaman yang berbeda atau makhluk hidup lainnya dikenal menggunakan sebutan

A. Trans mutan

B. Tanaman mutan

C. Tanaman trans

D. Tanaman persilangan

E. Tanaman transgenik

Jawaban: e

27. Tanaman transgenic yg paling poly dikembangkan di dunia adalah

A. Kedelai & Jagung

B. Kedelai & Gandum

C. Gandum & Padi

D. Jagung & Tebu

E. Tebu & Kapas

Jawaban: a

28. Sidang ke-2 ASEAN-India Working Group On Agriculture and Forestry Cooperation pada tanggal 6-7 Maret 2012 diadakan di ...

A. Padang

B. Hanoi

C. Manila

D. New Delhi

E. Palembang

Jawaban: e

29. Siapakah Dirjen Peternakan dan Kesehatan hewan saat ini...

Jawaban: ikuti perkembangan

30. Siapakah Dirjen Perkebunan saat ini...

Jawaban: ikuti perkembangan

31. Siapakah Dirjen Hortikultura saat ini...

Jawaban: ikuti perkembangan

32. Siapakah Dirjen Pengolahan dan Pengembangan Hasil Pertanian saat ini...

Jawaban: ikuti perkembangan

33. Secure access at all times to sufficient food for a healthy life adalah setara menggunakan


A. Kecukupan pangan

B. Ketahanan pangan

C. Ketersediaan pangan

D. Distribusi pangan

E. Swasembada pangan

Jawaban: b

34. “Kondisi terpenuhinya kebutuhan pangan bagi rumah tangga yang tercermin dari

tersedianya pangan secara cukup, baik dari jumlah maupun mutunya, aman, merata dan

terjangkau” adalah bunyi dari UU tentang ketahanan pangan. Yaitu No.

A. UU Pangan No.7 tahun 1994

B. UU Pangan No.17 tahun 1996

C. UU Pangan no.71 tahun 1997

D. UU Pangan no.7 tahun 1996

E. UU Pangan no.7 tahun 2009

Jawaban: d

35. FAO (Food and Agricultural Organization) berdiri pada tahun

A. 1954

B. 1945

C. 1935

D. 1964

E. 1944

Jawaban: b

36. Setiap pakan yang mengandung obat hewan sebagaimana ditetapkan dalam Panduan

Prosedur Codex Alimentarius Commission disebut menggunakan

A. Obat hewan

B. Obat telan

C. Pakan organic

D. Pakan sehat

E. Pakan obat

Jawaban: e

37. Teori yang menyatakan bahwa hewan makan untuk mempertahankan temperatur

tubuhnya adalah

A. Teori temper

B. Teori Termostatik

C. Teori khemostatik

D. Teori pakan sehat

E. Teori pakan standar

Jawaban: b

38. Hewan berperut tunggal dan sederhana. Alat pencernaannya terdiri dari mulut,

esophagus, perut, usus halus, usus besar dan rectum dikenal menggunakan hewan...

A. Monolitik

B. Monogastrik

C. Poligastrik

D. Herbivora

E. Nokturnal

Jawaban: b

39. Semua zat makanan yang terkandung dalam bahan makanan yang dapat dicerna,

seperti protein, karbohidrat, serat kasar dan lemak disebut menggunakan

A. Total Digestible Nutrient (TDN)

B. Total Indigestigle

C. Total Nutrient

D. Total Organic Nutrient

E. Total Consumable Nutrient

Jawaban: a

40. Ilmu Oseanografi mempelajari tentang

A. Kelautan

B. Sungai

C. Danau

D. Air

E. Bendungan

Jawaban: a

41. Berikut adalah cabang-cabang ilmu Oseanografi, kecuali

A. Oseanografi biologi

B. Oseanografi fisika

C. Oseanografi kimia

D. Oseanografi geologi

E. Oseanografi sosiologi

Jawaban: e

42. Salinitas adalah tingkat.....

A. Kadar garam

B. Kadar asam

C. Kadar pH

D. Kadar gula

E. Kadar nitrogen

Jawaban: a

43. Tingkat perkembangan telur setelah dibuahi, dimana sel hasil pembelahan

tersusun di kutub telur berbentuk bulan sabit disebut menggunakan

A. Embrio

B. Gonad

C. Larva

D. Gastrula

E. Bibit

Jawaban: d

44. Perbandingan jumlah telur yang menetas menggunakan yang tidak menetas disebut

A. Laju tetas

B. Keberhasilan tetas

C. Nilai tetas

D. Efektifitas tetas

E. Efisiensi tetas

Jawaban: a

45. Untuk mengurangi persaingan makanan dan pemangsaan larva yang berukuran

besar terhadap yang lebih kecil, maka dilakukan pemisahan atau...

A. Grading

B. Leveling

C. Aging

D. Larvanisasi

E. Inkubasi

Jawaban: a

Pelajari Toefl Exercise - 03

TOEFL - Structure and Written Expression

1. A three foot octopus can crawl through a hole ..... In diameter.

A. Than one inch less

b. Less than one inch

c. One less inch than

d. Than less one inch

Answer: d

2. .... Adopted the decimal system of coinage in 1867.

A. Canada

b. When Canada

c. Canada which

d. There was Canada

Answer: a

3. Generally, the representatives .... A legislature are constitutionally elected by a board spectrum of the population.

A. Who they compose

b. Who compose

c. Had compose

d. Compose

Answer: b

4. The actor's studio, a professional actors workshop in New York City, provides .... Where actors can work together without the pressure of commercial production.

A. A place and

b. A place

c. So that a place

d. A place is

Answer: b

lima. ..... That life begun billions of years ago in the water.

A. It is believed

b. In the belief

c. The belief

d. Believing

Answer: a

6. By 1872 the united state had 70 engineering collage, ..... Astonishing expansion credited largely to the Morrill Act of 1862

a. Because

b. An

c. To which

d. Was

Answer: b

7. The artist Romare Bcarden was .... Whose yellows, deep blue and fuchsias contrasted strongly with photographic gray in his bright collages.

A. With a gift for color

b. A gifted colorist

c. A gifted with colorful

d. Gifted with coloring

Answer: b

8. The most important chemical catalyst on his planet is chlorophyll, .... Carbon dioxide and water react to form carbohydrates

a. Whose presence

b. Which is present

c. Presenting

d. In the presence of which

Answer: d

9. a variation of collodion photography was the tintype, which captured images on a black

A                                                                             B

or dark brown metal plate instead from on glass

C                                                 D

Answer: d

10. in case of minor injury to the brain, amnesia is likely to be an temporarily condition

A                                 B                                    C                         D

Answer: D

11. the system of chemical symbols, first devised about 1800 gives a concise and instantly

A                                                                                                                      B

recognizable description of a element or compound

C               D

Answer: c

12. the fact that white light is light composed of various wavelengths may be demonstrating

A                                            B                                                                   C

by dispersing a beam of such light through a prism


Answer: c

13. over the course of history, much civilization developed their own number systems.

A                                         B                                            C                           D

Answer: b

14. in the united state during the second world war, each trade unions and employers

A                            B

avoided federal limits on wages by offering employees nontaxable systems

C                     D

Answer: a

15. philosophy in the study of the nature of realty, knowledge, existent and ethics by means

A                                                                  B                   C            D

of rational inquiry

Answer: b

16. poems vary inlengthfrom brief lyric poems tonarrative or epic poems, which can be

A      B                                         C

as broad in scopethan a novel


Answer: d

17. the population of California more than doubled during the period 1940 – 1960, creating

A                          B

problem in road-building and provide water for its arid southern section

C                                          D

Answer: c

18. although based it on feudal models, the colony of Pennsylvania developed a reputation

A                                                                                    B                C

for a progressive political and social outlook.


Answer: a

19. hard and resistant to corrosion, bronze is traditionally used in bell casting and is the

A                                                              B

material usedwidely most for metalsculpture

C                             D

Answer: c

20. the Appalachian mountain formation a natural barrier between the eastern seaboard

A                                         B

and the vast lowlands of the continental interior of North America

C                                       D

Answer: a

Minggu, 03 Mei 2020

Pelajari Toefl Exercise - 01

TOEFL - Structure and Written Expression

1. In the early 1900s, Eastman .... In expensive brownie box camera

a. It developed

b. It was developed

c. Developed

d. Developing

Answer: b

dua. .... The discovery of the fossilized remnants of tides in one-billion-year-old rocks

a. Geological reports

b. Geologist report

c. The reports of geologist

d. Geologists reports

Answer: a

3. The Brooklyn bridge .... Took thirteen years to complete

a. In New York

b. Is in New York

c. It is in new York

d. Which new York

Answer: b

4. Genes control all of the physical .... We inherit

a. That traits

b. That are traits

c. Traits that

d. Traits are that

Answer: b

lima. Indigo can be extracted from a plant, and then .... To dye cloth blue

a. It

b. Using

c. Using it

d. It can be used

Answer: a

6. .... In the united state spends 900 hours per year in group and 1,170 hours in front of the television.

A. The average third-grade

b. The third grade is average

c. There are three grade

d. Three average grades

Answer: b

7. researcher  have begun studying what .... is on human circadian rhythms

a. It is the effect of light

b. The light affects

c. Is affecting the light

d. The effect of light

Answer: b

8. If calcium oxide remain exposed to air, .... To calcium carbonate

a. Turning

b. Turns

c. It turns

the turn

Answer: d

9. in 1732, coach travelers could got from new york to Philadelphia in about two days

A                    B                          C                                             D

Answer: b

10. some of the district of Colombia are on low-laying, marshy ground

A                                    B   C                         D

Answer: b

11. Georgia's economy is based main on agriculture

A                                  B       C                D

Answer: c

12. the Paul revere house was built in 1676, and today its the oldest wooden building in

A                                    B           C        D Boston

Answer: b

13.Conifers such as cedars, firs and pines bear its seeds in cones

A                                              B     C                  D

Answer: c

14. a dome is a semispherical structure on top of a building

A                    B           C              D

Answer: a

15. succulents suck up water just in few hour, but they can store it in their stems for months

A                                     B                              C             D

Answer: b

16. flying buttresses enabled builders to put up tall but thinnest stone walls

A                        B                          C                 D

Answer: c

17. weather forecasters monitor barometric pressures and record they on charts as isobars

A                                  B                            C

Answer: c

18. in many language the forms of a word varies to express such contrasts as number,

A                                                 B                           C

gender and tense


Answer: b

19. a milky way object that erupt in the constellation scorpius has provides information to                                               A                                                                    B

astronomers since July

C               D

Answer: c

20. much fossils are found in coal-bearing rocks

A                      B            C              D

Answer: a

Pelajari Toefl Exercise - 02

TOEFL - Structure and Written Expression

1. Some early batteries used concentrated nitric acid, .... Gave off poisonous fumes.

A. They

b. Then they

c. But they

d. But they had

Answer: c

dua. The sound produced by an object .... In a periodic way involves more then the simple sine wave

a. It vibrates

b. Vibrating

c. Is vibrating

d. Vibrates

Answer: d

3. prior to the discovery of anesthetics in 1846, surgery was done .... was still conscious.

A. While the patient

b. The patient felt

c. During the patients

d. While patiently

Answer: d

4. The drastic decline of the beaver helps to illustrated what .... T the ecosystems of the north america continent.

A. Happening

b.The happening

c. Has happened

d. About happening

Answer: b

lima. The use of shorthand died out in the middle ages because of .... Whit witchcraft.

A. The association was imagined

b. Associate the imagination

c. Imagine the association

d. The imagined association

Answer: c

6. Yacht is steered with a rudder, ... The flow of water that passes the hull

a. Which deflecting

b. Deflect

c. It deflects

d. Which deflect

Answer: a

7. For top speed and sudden acceleration, the acceleration pump feeds additional gasoline from the float chamber into .... Above the venturi tube

a. The air flows

b. The air flow

c. The air is flowing

d. Flows the air

Answer: d

8. when sat is added to ice, this mixture become coldy enough to freeze ice

A                  B                                C                         D


Answer: c

9. during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries long island was chiefly an

A                                      B

agricultural region with fishing, whaling and build ships as the important

C                                                                   B


Answer: d

10. no one who has studied the battle of little bighorn know the exact route that

A                                                                 B

Custer and his detachment took

C                        D

Answer: b

11. the folktales which the brothers Grimm had collecting were translated into

A                                                 B                        C

English in 1823


Answer: b

12. in our solar system, nine planets, fifty seven moons, several dozen asteroids,

A                                                                                        B

and billions of meteorites have so far been discover

C                 D

Answer: b

13. from the 1850-s until after the turn of century, many america's super rich


families made Newport his favorite summer resort.

A          C                    D

Answer: d

14. mars may looks red because it is covered with layer of soft red iron oxide.

A                            B       C                 D

Answer: a

15. the radioactive substance that pose the greatest harm to humanity have


neither very short or very long half lives

B         C                         D

Answer: b

16. a robin cock its head to peer at a worm with one eyes and not to hear it, as

A                               B                        C

was once thought


Answer: c

17. film sound is often record by an analog system which like the compact disc,

A                     B                                          C

uses light.


Answer: b

18. the scribe of the middle ages used quill pens to produce their high decorated

A                              B         C     D


Answer: c

19. the principles of physics described by Christian Doppler in 1842 for the


movement of stars has been adapted to evaluate the movement of blood within

B                 C                                                       D

the heart

Answer: b

20. the pioneer 10 and 11 spacecraft were the first vehicles of humankind to

A            B

venture beyond the limits of ours solar system.

C            D

Answer: d

Pelajari Toefl Exercise - 04

TOEFL - Structure and Written Expression

1. One theory of the origin of the universe is .... From the explosion of a tiny, extremely dense fireball several billion years ago

a. Because what formed

b. The formation that

c. That it formed

d. When forming

Answer: c

dua. Road in the United state remained crude, .... With graved or wood plank, until the beginning of the twentieth century.

A. Were unsurefaced or they covered them

b. Which unsureface or covered

c. Unsurfaced or covered them

d. Unsurfaced or covered

Answer: d

3. Portrait print were the first reproduction of American painting ?. Widely distributed in the united state

a. Were

b. That which

c. That being

d. To be

Answer: d

4. Abigail Adam was prodigious letter writer, ?. Many edition of her letter have been published.

A. Who

b. And

c. In addition to

d. Due to

Answer: b

5. In geometry, an ellipse may be defined as the locus of all point ?. Distance from two fixed point is constant.

A. Which as the sum of

b. Of the sum which

c. Whose sum of whose

d. Whose sum that the

Answer: c

6. ?. At the site of a fort established by the Northwest Mounted police, Calgary is now one of Canada?S fastest growing cities

a. Built

b. It is built

c. To build

d. Having build

Answer: a

7. An image on a national flag can symbolize political ideals that ?. Express.

A. Take many word to otherwise would

b. Would take to many otherwise word

c. Many word to take would otherwise

d. Would otherwise take many word to

Answer: d

8. The president ?. The election by a landslide

a. Won

b. He won

c. Yesterday

d. Fortunately

Answer: a

9. the united state census for 1970 showed that the french-speaking residents of Louisiana

A               B

were one of the country’s most compact regional linguistic minority.

C                                                                                               D

Answer: d

10. when used as food addictive, antioxidants prevent fats and oil from become rancid

A                                   B                                                                      C

when exposed to air, and thus extend their shelf life


Answer: c

11. copper was the first metallic used by human and is second only to iron in its utility

A                                    B                            C

through the ages


Answer: a

12.despite the fact that lemurs are general nocturnal, the ring-tailed lemur travels by day in

A                                                  B                                                           C

bands of four to twelve individuals


Answer: b

13. the western world is beset with the range of problem that characterize mature,

A                            B                                      C

postindustrial societies.


Answer: b

14. acrylic paints are either applied using a knife or diluted and spreading with a

A               B                    C                                         D


Answer: d

15. some marine invertebrates, such as the sea urchin and the starfish, migrate from deep

A                                                            B

water to shallow during spring and early summer to spawn.

C                                                               D

Answer: b

16. marshes, wetland areas characterized by plant grassy growth, are distinguished from

A                                              B                                           C

swamps, wetlands where trees grown


Answer: b

17. wampum, beads used as a form of exchange by some native Americans, was made of

A                             B

bits of seashells cut, drill and strung into belts

C                             D

Answer: c

18. kangaroos use their long and powerful tail for balance themselves when sitting upright

A                       B               C                                          D

or jumping.

Answer: c

19. proper city planning provides for the distribution of public utilities, public buildings, parks

A                         B

and recreation centers, and for adequate and the inexpensive housing.

C                                                              D

Answer: d

20. most traditional dances are made up of a prearranged series of steps and movements,

A                                              B

but modern dancer are generally free to move as they choice.

D                                 C

Answer: d

Sabtu, 02 Mei 2020

Pelajari Toefl Reading - 05

TOEFL Exercise - Reading Comprehension

Question 1 - 12

The largest of the giant gas planet, Jupiter, with a volume 1,300 time greater than Earth's contain more than twice the Mass of all the other planet combined. It is though to be a gasseous and fluid planet without solid surface, had it been somewhat more massive, Jupiter might have attained internal temperatures as high as the ignition point for nuclear reaction and it would have flamed as a star in its own right. Jupiter and other giant planet are of a low density type quite distinct from the terrestrial planet: they are composed predominantly of such substance as a hydrogen, helium, amonia and methane unlike terrestrial planet. Much of Jupiter's interior might be in the form of liquid, metallic hydrogen, normally, hydrogen is a gas, but under pressure of millions of kilograms per square centimeters, which exist in the deep interior of Jupiter, the hydrogen atoms might lock together to form a liquid with the properties of metal. Some scientist believe that the innermost core of Jupiter might be rocky or metallic like the core of earth

Jupiter rotated very fast, once in every 9,8 hour. As a result, its cloud, which are composed largely of frozen and liquid amonia, have been whipped into alternating dark and bright bands that circle the planet at different speed in different latitude. Jupiter puzzling great red spot change size as it hovers in the southern hemisphere. Scientist speculate it might be a gigantic hurricane, which because of its large size ( the earth could easily fit inside it), last for hundreds of years.

Jupiter gives off twice as much heat as it receives from sun. Perhaps this is primeval heat or beat generated by the continued gravitational contraction of the planet. Another starlike characteristic of Jupiter is its sixteen natural satellite, which, like a miniature model of the solar system, decrease in density with distance from rocky moons close to Jupiter to icy moons farther away. If Jupiter were about 70 times more massive, it would have become a star, Jupiter is the best preserved sample of the early solar nebula and with its satellite, might contain the most important clues about the origin of the solar system.

1. The word "attained" in line 4 is closest meaning to ....

A. Attempted

b. Changed

c. Lost

d. Reached

Answer: d

2. The word "flameddanquot; in line lima is closest in meaning to ....

A. Burned

b. Devided

c. Fallen

d. Grown

Answer: a

3. The word "theydanquot; in line 6 refers to ....

A. Nuclear reaction

b. Giant planet

c. Terrestrial

d. Substance

Answer: b

4. According to the passage, hydrogen can become a metallic like liquid when it is ....

A. Extremely hot

b. Combined with helium

c. Similar atmosphere

d. Metallic core

Answer: c

5. According to the passage, some scientist believe Jupiter and earth are similar in that they both have ....

A. Solid surface

b. Similar masses

c. Similar atmosphere

d. Metallic core

Answer: d

6. The cloud surrounding Jupiter are mostly composed of ....

A. Ammonia

b. Helium

c. Hydrogen

d. Methane

Answer: a

7. It can be inferred from the passage that the appearance of alternating bands circling Jupiter is cause by ....

A. The great red spot

b. Heat from the sun

c. The planets fast rotation

d. Storm from the planet southern hemisphere

Answer: c

8. The author uses the word"puzzling" in line 15 to suggest that the great red spot is ....

A. The only spot of its kind

b. Not well understood

c. Among the largest of such spots

d. A problem for the planet continued existence

Answer: b

9. Paragraph 3 supports which of the following conclusion ....

A. Jupiter gives off twice as much heat as the sun.

B. Jupiter has a weaker gravitational force than the other planets

c. Scientist believe that Jupiter was once a star

d. Scientist might learn about the beginning of solar system by studying Jupiter.

Answer: d

10. Why does the author mention primeval heat (line 19-20) ?

A. To provide evidence that Jupiter is older than the sun

b. To provide evidence that Jupiter is older than the other planets

c. To suggest a possible explanation for number of the satellite that Jupiter has

d. To suggest a possible source of the quantity of heat that Jupiter gives off

Answer: d

11. According to the passage, Jupiter's most distant moon is ....

A. The least dense

b. The largest

c. Warm on the surface

d. Very rocky on the surface

Answer: a

12. Which of the following statements is supported by the passage ....

A. If Jupiter had fewer satellites, it would be easier for scientist to study planet itself

b. If Jupiter had had more mass, it would have developed internal nuclear reaction

c. If Jupiter had been smaller, it would have become a terrestrial planet

d. If Jupiter were larger, it would give off much less heat

Answer: b

Question 13 - 22

The tern "art deco" has become to encompass three distinct but related design trends of the 1920s and 1930. The first was what frequently referred as "zigzag modernedanquot; the exotically ornamental style of such skyscrapers as the Chrysler Building in New York City and related structure such as the paramount theater in Oakland, California The word "zigzag" alludes to the geometric and stylized ornamentation of zigzag, angular patterns, abstract plant and animal motifs, sunburst, astrological imaginary, formalize fountains and related themes that were applied in mosaic relief. And mural form to the exterior and interior of the buildings. Many of these building were shaped in the ziggurat form, a design resembling an ancient Mesopotamian temple tower that recedes in progressively smaller stages to the summit, creating a staircase-like effect. The second manifestation of art deco was the 1930s streamlined moderne style, a futuristic-looking aerodynamic style of rounded corners and horizontal bands known as "speed stripes". In architecture these elements were frequently accompanied by round windows, extensive use of glass block and flat rooftops.

The third style, referred to as cither "international stripped classicism", or simply "classical moderne" also come to the forefront during the depression, a period of severe economic difficult in 1930s. This was amore conservative style, blending a simplified modernistic style with a more austere form of geometric and stylized relief sculpture and another ornament, including interior murals. May building in this style were erected nation wide through government programs during the depression. Although art deco in its many forms was largely perceived as throughly terbaru, it was strongly influenced by the decorative arts movements that immediately preceded it. For example, like "art nouveau" (1890-1910), art deco also used plant motifs, but regularized the form into abstracted repetitive patterns rather than presenting them as flowing, asymmetrical foliage, like the Viennese craftspeople of the Wienner Werkstatte, art deco designer work with exotic materials, geometrized shapes and colorfully ornate patterns, furthermore, like the artisans of the art and crafts movement in England and the United States, art deep practitioners considered it their mission to transform the domestic environment through well designed furniture and household accessories.

13. What aspect of art deco does the passage mainly discuss ?

A. The influence of art deco on the design of furniture and household accessories.

B. Ways in which government programs encourage the development of art deco

c. Architectural manifestations of art deco during the 1920s and 1930s

d. Reason for the popularity of art deco in New York and California.

Answer: c

14. The word "encompassdanquot; in line 1 is closest in meaning to ...

A. Separate

b. Include

c. Replace

d. Enhance

Answer: b

15. The phrase " the firstdanquot; in line 2 refers to ....

A. The term "art decodanquot;

b. Design trends

c. The 1920s and 1930s

d. Skycrapers

Answer: b

16. In line 9, the author mentions "an ancient Mesopotamian temple towerdanquot; in order to ....

A. Describe the exterior shapes of certain art deco building

b. Explain the difference between ancient and terkini architectural steles

c. Emphasize the extent of architectural advances

d. Argue for a return to more traditional architectural design

Answer: a

17. The streamlined moderne style is characterized by all of the following, except ....

A. Animal motifs

b. Flat roofs

c. Round windows

d. Speed stripes

Answer: a

18. The phrase "come to the forefront" in line 16 is closest in meaning to ....

A. Grew in complexity

b. Went through a process

c. Changed its approach

d. Became important

Answer: d

19. According to the passage, which of the following statements most accurately describes the relationship between art deco and art nouveau ?

A. They were arts forms that competed with each other for government support during depression era

b. They were essentially the same art form

c. Art nouveau proceded art deco and influenced it.

D. Art deco became important in the United States while art nouveau became popular in England

Answer: c

20. According to the passage, a building having an especially ornate appearance would most probably have been designed in the style of ....

A. Zigzag moderne

b. Streamlined moderne

c. Classical moderne

d. The arts and crafts movement

Answer: a

21. According to the passage, which of the following design trends is known by more than one name ....

A. Zigzag moderne

b. Streamlined moderne

c. International stripped classicism

d. Arts and crafts movement

Answer: c

22. The passage is primarily developed as ....

A. The historical chronology of a movement

b. A description of specific buildings that became famous for their unusual beauty

c. An analysis of various trends within an artistic movement

d. An argument of the advantages of one artistic from over another

Answer: c

Pelajari Toefl Reading - 03

TOEFL Exercise - Reading Comprehension

Question 1 - 9

Alpha Centauri is a triple-star system. One of the three stars in alpha centauri is Proxima Centauri, which is the nearest star to earth, except of course for the sun. The name "proxima" comes from a latin word which means "close". Even though proxima centauri is the closest star to earth outside of our solar system, it isnot really close.

Interstellar distance are so large that the are almost impossible to imagine. A person travelling in a terbaru spacecraft would not arrive at proxima centauri within this lifetime or the next, or even ten lifetime because the distance is so great. Light travel at a speed of 18,000 miles per second and it still take light more than four ear to travel from Proxima Centauri to the earth.

Alpha Centauri can be easily seen in night sky without telescope from certain part of the earth. it is the third brightest star in the sky, out of approximately  6,000 visible stars. it can not be seen from most part of the united state because most of the unite state is too far north. however, it can be seen from the southern part of the southernmost state.

1. The main subject of this passage is ....

A. The closest star to the earth

b. Modern space travel

c. Thee speed of light

d. Interstellar distance

Answer: b

2. The passage indicate that which of the following is NOT true

a. Alpha centauri is composed of three stars

b. Proxima centauri is the closest star to the earth

c. Proxima centauri is one of the star in alpha centauri

d. It is possible to see alpha centauri from the earth

Answer: b

3. The wrd "comedanquot; in line 3 could best be replaced by ....

A. Travels

b. Is derived

c. Is directed

d. Visits


4. "interstellardanquot; distance in line lima are ....

A. Distance between stars

b. Distance between the earth and various stars

c. Distance measured b the speed of light

d. Distance from sun to each of the planet including the earth

Answer: a

lima. It can be inferred from the passage that if a person left in one toda's spacecrafts, he or she would arrive at alpha centauri

a. Within this lifetime

b. Within the next lifetime

c. Within ten life time

d. After more than ten lifetimes

Answer: d

6. The word "great" in line 7 could best be replaced b which of the following

a. Famous

b. Well-known

c. Accomplished

d. Big

Answer: d

7. Which of the following is true according to the passage

a. Light travel at 18,000 miles per hour

b. A person could travel from earth to proxima centauri in four years

c. Light from proxima centauri reaches the earth in more than four years

d. It is 186,000 miles from the earth to proxima centauri

Answer: c

8. The word brightest in line 11 could best be replaced by

a. Smartest

b. Palest

c. Shiniest

d. Largest

Answer: c

9. In can be inferred from the passage that from Alaska Alpha Centauri is

a. Always visible

b. Frequently visible

c. Occasionally visible

d. Never visible

Answer: d

Question 10 -18

In 1972, a century after the first national park in united state was established at Yellowstone, legislation was passed to create the National Marine Sanctuaries Program. The intent of this legislation was to provide protection to selected coastal habitats similar to that existing for land areas designated as national parks. The designation of an areas a marine sanctuary indicated that it is a protected area, just as a national park is. People are permitted to visit and observe there, but living organism and their environment ma not be harmed or removed.

The national marine sanctuary program is administrated b The National oceanic and atmosphere administration, a branch of the united state department of commerce. Initially, 70 site were proposed as candidates for sanctuary status. Two and half decades later, only fifteen sanctuary had been designated, with half of these establishment after 1978. The range in size from the very small (less than 1 square kilometer) Fagatele bay National Marine Sanctuary in american Samoa to the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary in California, extending over 15,744 square kilometers.

The National Marine Sanctuaries Program is a crucial part of new management practice in which whole communities of species and not just individual species, are offered some degree of protection from habitat degradation and over exploitation. only this way can a reasonable degree of marine  species diversity be maintained in a setting that also maintains the natural interrelationship that exist among these species. several other types of marine protected areas exist in the unite state and other countries. The National Estuarine Research Reserve system. managed by United State government, includes 23 designated and protected estuaries. outside the united state marine protected-area program exist as marine park, reserve and preserve. over 100 designated area exist around the periphery of the Carbbean Sea. other range from well-known Australian Great Barrer Reef Marine Park to Lesser-known park in countries such as Thailand and Indonesia, where tourism is placing growing pressures on fragile coral reef system. as state, national and international agency come to recognize the importance of conserving marine biodiversity, marine projected areas. whether as sanctuaries, parks or estuarine reserves, will play an increasingly important role in preserving that diversity.

10. What does the passage mainly discuss ?

A. Difference among Marine Parks, Sanctuaries and reserve

b. Various marine conservation programs

c. International agreements on coastal protection

c. Similarities between land and sea protection environment

Answer: b

11. The word "intentdanquot; in line 3 s closest in meaning to ....

A. Repetition

b. Approval

c. Goal

d. Revision

Answer: c

12. The word "administered" in line 8 is closest in meaning to ....

A. Managed

b. Recognized

c. Opposed

d. Justified

Answer: a

13. The word "these" in line 11 refers to ....

A. Sites

b. Candidates

c. Decade

d. Sanctuaries

Answer: d

14. The passage mentions the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary (line 13-14) as an example of a sanctuary that ....

A. Is not well know

b. Covers a large area

c. Is smaller than the Fagatele Bay National Marine Sanctuary

d. Was not originally proposed for sanctuary status

Answer: b

15. According to the passage, when was the national Marine Sanctuaries Program Established ?

A. Before 197

b. After 1987

c. 100 years before national park were established

d. 100 years after national park were established

Answer: d

16. According to the passage, all of the following are achievement of the national Marine Sanctuaries acara except ....

A. The discovery of several new marine organisms

b. The preservation of connections between individual marine species

c. The protection of coastal habitats

d. The establisment of areas where the public can observe marine life

Answer: a

17. The word "peripherydanquot; in line 24 is closest in meaning to ....

A. Depth

b. Landmass

c. Warm tempat asli

d. Outer edge

Answer: d

18. The passage mentions which of the following as a threst to marine areas outside the united state

a. Limitation in financial support

b. The use of marine species as food

c. Variability of the climate

d. Increases in tourism

Answer: d