Minggu, 03 Mei 2020

Pelajari Toefl Exercise - 02

TOEFL - Structure and Written Expression

1. Some early batteries used concentrated nitric acid, .... Gave off poisonous fumes.

A. They

b. Then they

c. But they

d. But they had

Answer: c

dua. The sound produced by an object .... In a periodic way involves more then the simple sine wave

a. It vibrates

b. Vibrating

c. Is vibrating

d. Vibrates

Answer: d

3. prior to the discovery of anesthetics in 1846, surgery was done .... was still conscious.

A. While the patient

b. The patient felt

c. During the patients

d. While patiently

Answer: d

4. The drastic decline of the beaver helps to illustrated what .... T the ecosystems of the north america continent.

A. Happening

b.The happening

c. Has happened

d. About happening

Answer: b

lima. The use of shorthand died out in the middle ages because of .... Whit witchcraft.

A. The association was imagined

b. Associate the imagination

c. Imagine the association

d. The imagined association

Answer: c

6. Yacht is steered with a rudder, ... The flow of water that passes the hull

a. Which deflecting

b. Deflect

c. It deflects

d. Which deflect

Answer: a

7. For top speed and sudden acceleration, the acceleration pump feeds additional gasoline from the float chamber into .... Above the venturi tube

a. The air flows

b. The air flow

c. The air is flowing

d. Flows the air

Answer: d

8. when sat is added to ice, this mixture become coldy enough to freeze ice

A                  B                                C                         D


Answer: c

9. during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries long island was chiefly an

A                                      B

agricultural region with fishing, whaling and build ships as the important

C                                                                   B


Answer: d

10. no one who has studied the battle of little bighorn know the exact route that

A                                                                 B

Custer and his detachment took

C                        D

Answer: b

11. the folktales which the brothers Grimm had collecting were translated into

A                                                 B                        C

English in 1823


Answer: b

12. in our solar system, nine planets, fifty seven moons, several dozen asteroids,

A                                                                                        B

and billions of meteorites have so far been discover

C                 D

Answer: b

13. from the 1850-s until after the turn of century, many america's super rich


families made Newport his favorite summer resort.

A          C                    D

Answer: d

14. mars may looks red because it is covered with layer of soft red iron oxide.

A                            B       C                 D

Answer: a

15. the radioactive substance that pose the greatest harm to humanity have


neither very short or very long half lives

B         C                         D

Answer: b

16. a robin cock its head to peer at a worm with one eyes and not to hear it, as

A                               B                        C

was once thought


Answer: c

17. film sound is often record by an analog system which like the compact disc,

A                     B                                          C

uses light.


Answer: b

18. the scribe of the middle ages used quill pens to produce their high decorated

A                              B         C     D


Answer: c

19. the principles of physics described by Christian Doppler in 1842 for the


movement of stars has been adapted to evaluate the movement of blood within

B                 C                                                       D

the heart

Answer: b

20. the pioneer 10 and 11 spacecraft were the first vehicles of humankind to

A            B

venture beyond the limits of ours solar system.

C            D

Answer: d

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