Minggu, 03 Mei 2020

Pelajari Toefl Exercise - 04

TOEFL - Structure and Written Expression

1. One theory of the origin of the universe is .... From the explosion of a tiny, extremely dense fireball several billion years ago

a. Because what formed

b. The formation that

c. That it formed

d. When forming

Answer: c

dua. Road in the United state remained crude, .... With graved or wood plank, until the beginning of the twentieth century.

A. Were unsurefaced or they covered them

b. Which unsureface or covered

c. Unsurfaced or covered them

d. Unsurfaced or covered

Answer: d

3. Portrait print were the first reproduction of American painting ?. Widely distributed in the united state

a. Were

b. That which

c. That being

d. To be

Answer: d

4. Abigail Adam was prodigious letter writer, ?. Many edition of her letter have been published.

A. Who

b. And

c. In addition to

d. Due to

Answer: b

5. In geometry, an ellipse may be defined as the locus of all point ?. Distance from two fixed point is constant.

A. Which as the sum of

b. Of the sum which

c. Whose sum of whose

d. Whose sum that the

Answer: c

6. ?. At the site of a fort established by the Northwest Mounted police, Calgary is now one of Canada?S fastest growing cities

a. Built

b. It is built

c. To build

d. Having build

Answer: a

7. An image on a national flag can symbolize political ideals that ?. Express.

A. Take many word to otherwise would

b. Would take to many otherwise word

c. Many word to take would otherwise

d. Would otherwise take many word to

Answer: d

8. The president ?. The election by a landslide

a. Won

b. He won

c. Yesterday

d. Fortunately

Answer: a

9. the united state census for 1970 showed that the french-speaking residents of Louisiana

A               B

were one of the country’s most compact regional linguistic minority.

C                                                                                               D

Answer: d

10. when used as food addictive, antioxidants prevent fats and oil from become rancid

A                                   B                                                                      C

when exposed to air, and thus extend their shelf life


Answer: c

11. copper was the first metallic used by human and is second only to iron in its utility

A                                    B                            C

through the ages


Answer: a

12.despite the fact that lemurs are general nocturnal, the ring-tailed lemur travels by day in

A                                                  B                                                           C

bands of four to twelve individuals


Answer: b

13. the western world is beset with the range of problem that characterize mature,

A                            B                                      C

postindustrial societies.


Answer: b

14. acrylic paints are either applied using a knife or diluted and spreading with a

A               B                    C                                         D


Answer: d

15. some marine invertebrates, such as the sea urchin and the starfish, migrate from deep

A                                                            B

water to shallow during spring and early summer to spawn.

C                                                               D

Answer: b

16. marshes, wetland areas characterized by plant grassy growth, are distinguished from

A                                              B                                           C

swamps, wetlands where trees grown


Answer: b

17. wampum, beads used as a form of exchange by some native Americans, was made of

A                             B

bits of seashells cut, drill and strung into belts

C                             D

Answer: c

18. kangaroos use their long and powerful tail for balance themselves when sitting upright

A                       B               C                                          D

or jumping.

Answer: c

19. proper city planning provides for the distribution of public utilities, public buildings, parks

A                         B

and recreation centers, and for adequate and the inexpensive housing.

C                                                              D

Answer: d

20. most traditional dances are made up of a prearranged series of steps and movements,

A                                              B

but modern dancer are generally free to move as they choice.

D                                 C

Answer: d

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