Senin, 04 Mei 2020

Pelajari Toefl Exercise - 03

TOEFL - Structure and Written Expression

1. A three foot octopus can crawl through a hole ..... In diameter.

A. Than one inch less

b. Less than one inch

c. One less inch than

d. Than less one inch

Answer: d

2. .... Adopted the decimal system of coinage in 1867.

A. Canada

b. When Canada

c. Canada which

d. There was Canada

Answer: a

3. Generally, the representatives .... A legislature are constitutionally elected by a board spectrum of the population.

A. Who they compose

b. Who compose

c. Had compose

d. Compose

Answer: b

4. The actor's studio, a professional actors workshop in New York City, provides .... Where actors can work together without the pressure of commercial production.

A. A place and

b. A place

c. So that a place

d. A place is

Answer: b

lima. ..... That life begun billions of years ago in the water.

A. It is believed

b. In the belief

c. The belief

d. Believing

Answer: a

6. By 1872 the united state had 70 engineering collage, ..... Astonishing expansion credited largely to the Morrill Act of 1862

a. Because

b. An

c. To which

d. Was

Answer: b

7. The artist Romare Bcarden was .... Whose yellows, deep blue and fuchsias contrasted strongly with photographic gray in his bright collages.

A. With a gift for color

b. A gifted colorist

c. A gifted with colorful

d. Gifted with coloring

Answer: b

8. The most important chemical catalyst on his planet is chlorophyll, .... Carbon dioxide and water react to form carbohydrates

a. Whose presence

b. Which is present

c. Presenting

d. In the presence of which

Answer: d

9. a variation of collodion photography was the tintype, which captured images on a black

A                                                                             B

or dark brown metal plate instead from on glass

C                                                 D

Answer: d

10. in case of minor injury to the brain, amnesia is likely to be an temporarily condition

A                                 B                                    C                         D

Answer: D

11. the system of chemical symbols, first devised about 1800 gives a concise and instantly

A                                                                                                                      B

recognizable description of a element or compound

C               D

Answer: c

12. the fact that white light is light composed of various wavelengths may be demonstrating

A                                            B                                                                   C

by dispersing a beam of such light through a prism


Answer: c

13. over the course of history, much civilization developed their own number systems.

A                                         B                                            C                           D

Answer: b

14. in the united state during the second world war, each trade unions and employers

A                            B

avoided federal limits on wages by offering employees nontaxable systems

C                     D

Answer: a

15. philosophy in the study of the nature of realty, knowledge, existent and ethics by means

A                                                                  B                   C            D

of rational inquiry

Answer: b

16. poems vary inlengthfrom brief lyric poems tonarrative or epic poems, which can be

A      B                                         C

as broad in scopethan a novel


Answer: d

17. the population of California more than doubled during the period 1940 – 1960, creating

A                          B

problem in road-building and provide water for its arid southern section

C                                          D

Answer: c

18. although based it on feudal models, the colony of Pennsylvania developed a reputation

A                                                                                    B                C

for a progressive political and social outlook.


Answer: a

19. hard and resistant to corrosion, bronze is traditionally used in bell casting and is the

A                                                              B

material usedwidely most for metalsculpture

C                             D

Answer: c

20. the Appalachian mountain formation a natural barrier between the eastern seaboard

A                                         B

and the vast lowlands of the continental interior of North America

C                                       D

Answer: a

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